
Do we need more Megapixels?

by George Lovell | | 0 comments

The new Galaxy S23 Ultra has a 200 Megapixel camera.

A pixel is the smallest unit in a digital display.

1 Megapixel = 1,000,000 pixels.

200 Megapixels = 200 million pixels.

That's a lot of pixels.

But does it really make a meaningful difference?

Well, more is better...

But beyond a certain point - perhaps 50 Megapixel - it's not going to result in noticeably superior photo or video quality, even to a trained eye.
Equal, perhaps more important features of a quality well-rounded camera system are the resolution, shutter speed, size and quality of the lens and sensor, how the module interacts with the processor, and integrated image stabilisation technology.

These things however, cannot be summed up in 5 characters and marketed to the general public in a recognisable format - who will see this and assume that it takes photos and videos at 4x greater resolution than a 48 Megapixel camera.

In actuality, a 48 Megapixel camera can take better shots than a 200 Megapixel camera.

Formula 1 cars aren't exactly limited on the track by their 1.6 Litre engine, because engine capacity isn't everything.

Megapixel counts are just one factor in a complex system, and ceased being the limiting factor in camera quality a long time ago, yet it remains a buzzword amongst tech reviewers.

As it happens, the camera, amongst other things, is pretty amazing on the S23 Ultra - which will undoubtedly be a contender for phone of the year. 

Significant and much needed improvements in image stabilisation, low-light capture, portrait mode and sound quality make this perhaps the best camera in a smartphone; for now...

Favourite video so far from Mrwhosetheboss: YouTube

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