
The art of design: Apple

by George Lovell | | 0 comments

We love the photos in this article, which is inside Apple Park in Cupertino, California.

Everything from watch straps to typography: Read the article

This got us thinking...

The power of design: What sets apart one amongst thousands of tech companies?

In their words: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

The worlds first and only $3 trillion dollar company has nestled it's way into the minds, hearts and pockets of people across the world with the sleek and innovative design of their products.

Here we catch a glimpse at the art of design, which must be integrated into the engineering side in order to make a functional electronics product.

Unfortunately, our experience in the industry has revealed to us time and time again that the functionality and reliability of Apple products has been overlooked in favour of form and appearance: Bendy phones and iPads, the Magic Mouse 2 - which couldn't be used whilst charging, the butterfly keyboard on MacBooks which clogged up with dust - to name a few.

But as every successful CEO will tell you, you must take risks, push the boundaries, and fail many times before you can ultimately succeed.

Steve Jobs, though not regarded as a skilled designer himself, was the epitome of a visionary, which manifested itself in simple, precise and innovative design - elegant but powerful. He once famously said that "design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works."

Jobs was so damn meticulous, insisting that every aspect of the product must be thoughtfully designed and integrated into the perfect final product. Jobs would fuss over every detail - down to the appearance and arrangement of the plates and screws inside devices - which the user would never even see!

If you're into tech, then you'll know all about the controversy surrounding the notch on iPhones, iPads and Macs. You may experience the frustration of trying to type with your phone on a desk as a result of the huge camera bump. The difference here is that these could or should be recognised as compromises, which we make in order to benefit from performance upgrades.

It's a never-ending cycle of idea, experimentation, implementation and refinement.

Millions of dollars, thousands of hours, and countless strokes of creative artistry go into the software and hardware in your devices. Take a moment to contemplate and appreciate that.

Note that the images in the article were released by Apple, so they have undoubtedly been staged and curated to present the best depiction. Even so, it's fascinating to get an insight into the design process.

Thanks for reading!

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