
From hand-writing, to printing, to downloading books

by George Lovell | | 0 comments

Before Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1440, books were reserved for the rich. A book in those times cost as much as a small house, and have been estimated to cost anywhere from 1-10 years wages for the average worker.

All books were made to order, individually hand-written by literate scribes. Materials such as parchment and sheep-skin vellum were extremely expensive.

Imagine one person standing at the front of a room reading an original text out loud, whilst a team of workers furiously and painstakingly jot it down with a goose feather onto dried animal skin. This would explain the amount of errors and variation that crept into ancient literature.

And they weren't transcribing The Hungry Caterpillar, oh no... It was The Bible, The Qu'ran, Greek Dramas & Philosophical Texts, Dante's Divine Comedy etc.

Shortly after the printing press came the library, where scholars came together to read and share books. More and more of the population gained access to books over time, so reading became a source of entertainment and education for the average working man.

The role of the librarian became increasingly important - someone to procure, organise and distribute books worth reading to those that that sought them.

In the age of Wikipedia, search engines and AI-generating algorithms, an incredible abundance of information is available to any person at any time, and is constantly being updated and refined.
Your device stores everything that has ever existed, in perfect condition, and can make recommendations based on everything that you've ever seen or searched for. Thus, your Netflix account becomes infinitely more efficient than any human librarian could ever be.

As we enter deeper into the information economy, we expose our planets entire collection of data, which we bring to people in order to create value.

The kindle e-reader is the bridge from public library to universal access to information. From this handy device, any one can gain insight and leverage at a much quicker rate than they ever could from scouring book shelves.

E-books typically cost £2.00-£8.00; less than half of a paper book. With an e-reader, you have instant, anytime access to a warehouse filled with book shelves, plus your own personal librarian, for just a few hundred pounds.    

The only downside - the charging ports often fail and are easily damaged. Fortunately, we can repair them at a low cost; reconnecting you with your personal library!

Kindle e-reader repairs

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