
The Pocket Library

by George Lovell | | 0 comments

The fact that we can store so much data inside of a handheld device is incredible.

This is an iPad Pro, which like some mobile phones, has 1 terabyte (1000 gigabytes) of built-in storage. 

The two components that we have lifted here are called NAND flash chips.

Most devices will utilise 1 NAND, but this much storage requires some extra hardware.

1TB is enough to store approximately 250,000 HQ photos; 200,000 songs; 250 movies; or 6.5 million document pages.

How on earth can a chip the size of your thumbnail store 500 hours of HD video?

Think about how much physical space these items would take up. Consider how efficient this is. An A4 ring binder holds around 200 pages. You can pack a 1 terabyte chip with the contents of 32,500 ring binders.

Not that long ago, corporations would store records in dedicated rooms packed full of filing cabinets. Music shops were stacked out with CD's or vinyl's. If you wanted a book, you'd have to scour the library. You couldn't carry your DVD boxset collection around with you.

Entire shelves; rooms; shops; even buildings, obsolete - No longer required. Just one microchip please.

Released in 1984, the original Apple Macintosh contained a single 400 kilobyte floppy disk. Today, you can buy a 20 terabyte hard drive on Amazon. That's a 50 million times increase.

We tend to overestimate technological progress in the short run, and underestimate it in the long run.

How much do you think we will be able to store on our devices in 10 years? 500 movies, 1000, 10,000? Or will we just download them directly into our brain chips? Only time will tell.
Thanks for reading!

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