
More than just aesthetics. What's with the red iPhones?

by George Lovell | | 0 comments

This is an iPhone SE in Red, or as it says on the back "PRODUCT (RED)".

Founded in 2006 by Bobby Shriver and Bono (U2 lead singer), (RED) is a charity organisation with a mission to bring justice to the AIDS fight by delivering life-saving medicine in the poorest parts of the world.  

The global fund has raised over $700 million dollars, and has impacted more than 245 million lives.

(RED) is also focused on providing COVID relief, which remains unavailable in many countries, leaving the entire world vulnerable to variants and future pandemics. (RED) is working hard to make testing, treatment and vaccines available in poor countries, which will help protect everyone, including you and me.

(RED) are partnered with several global brands including Amazon, Fiat, Primark, Starbucks, and Apple.

When you buy a (RED) product from Apple, 50% of the profits go to the charity.

It's a great concept: utilize our love for shopping big brands and luxury products to fight the AIDS crisis.

The iPhone, iPhone cases, Apple Watch, Bands and Faces, and Beats Headphones are available in (RED).

Next time that you purchase an Apple product, consider going for (RED). You will be contributing to a great cause. It looks pretty sweet too.

Learn more about how (RED) works, and the impact that they are having here - It's an interesting and inspiring read.

Thanks for reading!

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