Blog (Really Old Posts)

December 19th, 2022

Recent years have seen a masked-up Santa strategically and covertly navigate lockdown zones and government restrictions. Armed with his vaccine passport, nothing was going to stop him from safely dropping sanitized presents down the chimneys of good boys and girls.

Jammed up supply chains meant that some compromises had to be made, but Talkback Comms were able to maintain a steady supply of refurbished SIM-free smartphones and tablets to Lapland throughout the festive periods.

Should you buy an Apple Watch or a Rolex?

December 16th, 2022

People seemed amused and even offended by the price of the new Apple Watch Ultra, which is around £849.00. Yet no one seems to bat an eye at an £84,900 Rolex - which has one function: keeping time.

We thought this was interesting enough to warrant an exploration of the differences between the two.

Powerful Apple Brand

December 14th, 2022

Here we have some accessories from the Apple store...

Each of which priced at 3-5x more than you'd expect to pay elsewhere for an equivalent product.

Having a luxury brand to leverage over consumers enables a company to sell their products at disproportionately greater prices.

Does screen time affect eye health?

December 8th, 2022

Studies have shown that we spend an average of 6-8 hours looking at screens. If we take an average of 7, that's 43% of our waking hours.

Over the course of 75 years, that's 191625 hours, or 21.88 years. Office/knowledge workers, Millennials and Gen Z might allocate 25 years of their life to looking at a screen.

We know that increased screen time is linked to insomnia, neck and back pain, reduced physical activity, addictive behaviours, social isolation and other adverse health consequences. What about our eyes?

Continue Reading >

November 30th, 2022

All iPhone 14's sold in the US are eSIM only ("e" stands for embedded). In other words, they do not have a slot for a physical SIM card.

In our opinion, this was a big risk to take, with a small potential upside. At worst, it's disastrous for iPhone users and sales. At best, we'll all be using eSIMs a bit sooner than expected. Or maybe (probably) it just doesn't matter that much and no one really cares. 

Black Friday 2022 Tech Deals

November 25th, 2022

It's Black Friday!

You've just been paid, and don't the retailers know it. How many promotional emails and ads have tried desperately to part you from your hard-earned cash so far this morning? Big fat vultures, all of 'em.

Then again, there's nothing like some retail therapy to take your mind off the rising cost of living.
So we've spent the morning browsing tech deals, and found four bargains worth sharing.

Using your mobile phone in the Middle East is expensive

November 21st, 2022

Here's another reason not to go to the Qatar World Cup...

Mobile networks charge £6.00 - £15.00 per MB of mobile data whilst roaming in the Middle East.

Whilst there is usually a £45.00 cap on data, there is no cap on calls and texts.

If you're on ID Mobile, you're out of luck. According to Uswitch, a 1 week trip could cost you £969!

Is the Google Pixel a threat to iPhone and Samsung?

November 18th, 2022

Google recently released the Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro and Pixel Watch.

Straight out of Star Trek: The camera visor is made out of one continuous bit of metal, which is an improvement on the top-heavy block of glass that we had on the Pixel 6. Aside from being 0.2" smaller, this appears to be the only design change, yet it makes the phone significantly more attractive than its predecessor.

Macs have come a long way

November 10th, 2022

Check out this behemoth of a machine that was lugged in for repair: The Power Mac G5. A collaborative effort between Apple and IBM resulted in the worlds first 64-bit desktop computer. The anodized aluminium alloy enclosure was also a novel design - one which Apple retained for seven years.

The evolution of the Apple Mac since it's introduction in January 1984 is quite something.

Memory vs Storage: What is RAM?

November 4th, 2022

When looking at product specs, you will typically see two separate columns for Memory and Storage. It can be confusing because these two terms sound interchangeable, and will typically utilise the same unit of measurement: Gigabytes.

Our customers often mistakenly use the term memory to refer to storage. When asking about how much memory a phone has, or stating that their laptop has insufficient memory, we know that in most cases, the nature of their enquiry actually relates to storage.

So what's the difference?

Why your next iPhone will have a USB-C port

November 1st, 2022

Back in May, we posted an article suggesting that your next iPhone might have a USB-C port.

Well, it turns out we were right.

Company executives at Apple have confirmed that future iPhone models will indeed have a USB-C charging port as opposed to a lightning port.

There are no solutions, only trade-offs

October 28th, 2022

"There are no solutions, only trade-offs" - Thomas Sowell, economist

"Once I fix this issue or solve this problem or purchase this product, my life will be sorted" - Everyone else

We humans are remarkably susceptible to the concept of a magical remedy which will free us of all suffering and discomfort. There's always the lingering promise of a panacea which, when obtained, will enable us to finally live our lives to our full potential. 

When will we see the next big innovation?

October 24th, 2022

New inventions suck. The only people that use them are geeks, enthusiasts, and rich people, willing to spend insane amounts of money on frankly terrible products that are difficult to use and which no one else has - think early computers and video games.

Innovation is when an invention “catches on" - when it becomes practical, affordable, reliable, and ubiquitous. Innovation hoists an invention by its ugly, dysfunctional, pubescent head, and moulds it into a beautiful, strong, mature product.

Local man completes fundraising exhibition

October 15th, 2022

Our friend Jamie is back at it again, taking on awesome challenges to raise money for Teddy Bear Children Support.
In his latest adventure, Jamie explored the mountains and icebergs of the Arctic Circle. The exhibition involved kayaking around Greenland and hiking up steep mountains.

Is your smartphone making your memory worse?

October 13th, 2022

In a 2021 survey, 80% of people reported feeling that their memories were worse than before the pandemic.

If our memories are degrading, then it could be down to a combination of factors. Ageing, stress, anxiety, isolation, inadequate sleep and poor nutrition are increasingly prevalent issues, and are all associated with deficient memory.

For now, let's investigate technology and its impact on our ability to store and recall information.

Why is my phone getting hot?

October 7th, 2022

Overheating and poor battery life are often correlated. However, it's rarely a casual link.

These symptoms in conjunction typically stem from a different problem.

Lithium batteries do get warm, especially when faulty or degraded, but never enough to make your phone an effective hand-warmer.

What we have going on here is a short circuit.

Batterygate - planned obsolescence in iPhones?

October 4th, 2022

Following on from our previous post which investigated the link between software updates and reduced battery life, we will now take a look at the infamous "Batterygate" scandal.

In 2016, Apple released iOS 10. A substantial proportion of iPhone users reported issues relating to performance, whereby their device was running more slowly than before the update, i.e. struggling to perform complex tasks such as gaming or GPS navigation.

It was later discovered that Apple had deliberately introduced such measures in iOS 10.

This is called battery throttling.

Will updating to iOS 16 kill my battery life? 

September 30th, 2022

One common complaint that floods the forums as well as our phone lines succeeding an iOS update is reports of decreased battery life.

Most users will actually experience decreased battery life for the first two days following a major software update.

Even after the update has installed, there's still a ton of background processes occurring, which will consume more power.

Have smartphones made us more lonely?

September 28th, 2022

"1000's of friends & followers blowing up my phone round-the-clock, yet I feel connected to none of them."

Resonate with you?

Just as TV hooked people in during the 20th century, the internet became our electronic drug of choice in the 21st - both mediums subtly pulling us away from the real world.

As with many addictions, the most significant cost could be it's effect on relationships, which diminish in quality & quantity.

Unplug your phone charger to save on your energy bills

September 23rd, 2022

Many of us are justly concerned about our forthcoming energy bills and are looking for any way to cutback our consumption and subsequent bills.

"Phantom electricity" is power consumed by electronic appliances and devices when they are switched off or in standby. 

We wanted to know if leaving our phone charger plugged in when not in use had any meaningful impact on energy consumption.

My iPhone camera is rattling

September 21st, 2022

Ever wondered what happens when an angry wasp gets trapped inside your phone?

iPhone cameras use Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS). This is a mechanism which utilises gyroscopes to detect movement, then activates tiny motors to adjust the camera system. This compensates for angular movement in order to maintain a smooth, focused image.

First iPhone 14 teardown

September 19th, 2022

What it is, is a return to the good old days, when iPhones would open up from the back.

It's way too early to draw conclusions on the efficacy of this design or its repairability. 

However, it certainly looks like it will be easy to disassemble.

A vision can change the world

September 15th, 2022

In 1980, Bill Gates declared a vision of "a computer on every desk and in every home".

This at a time when people didn't see the need for computers at home or in the workplace.

Imagine that... No one even wants a computer, let alone uses one every day.

I'd hazard a guess that your average working man couldn't describe what a computer looked like in 1980.

In fact, Microsoft didn't even make computers back then.

Yet still, Gates gave us a glimpse into the future - into a world where BILLIONS of people use a personal computer.

Let's talk iPhone 14

September 13th, 2022

You probably glimpsed a few headlines or clips from Apple's launch event last week.

We're not going to breakdown all the specs or share a fancy promo video. Instead, we will summarise the products and discuss some key points.

When will we see an iPad with an OLED screen?

September 10th, 2022

Love replacing Air 4 screens.

It's a really quick, easy and satisfying repair.

The Air 4 has a 10.9" Liquid Retina display.

It is rumoured that Apple will release an iPad with an OLED screen soon. Currently, the higher quality OLED technology is only available in their smartwatches and select iPhones.

Oppo on the up and up

September 8th, 2022

This is an Oppo Reno8 Pro 5G.

What do you think of this design? We're certainly not OPPOsed to it.

It looks a bit like a Galaxy S22 from the back, and an iPhone 13 from the side. It has a flat, edge-to-edge AMOLED display. With a small hole-punch for the front camera, and ultra-thin bezel, this results in a 93.4% screen-to-body ratio.

Augmented Reality (AR) turns your device into a tape measure

September 6th, 2022

Here's another handy tool that has been compressed into a piece of software inside your phone.

Measuring apps utilise your devices camera in conjunction with physical movement detected by the gyroscopic sensor to determine the relative position of the surface in front of it in correlation with points on that flat surface. The distance between two points gives the length or width of an object.

The Pocket Library

September 2nd, 2022

The fact that we can store so much data inside of a handheld device is incredible.

This is an iPad Pro, which like some mobile phones, has 1 terabyte (1000 gigabytes) of built-in storage. 

The two components that we have lifted here are called NAND flash chips.

Most devices will utilise 1 NAND, but this much storage requires some extra hardware.

1TB is enough to store approximately 250,000 HQ photos; 200,000 songs; 250 movies; or 6.5 million document pages.

Like a Kid in an Apple Store

August 30th, 2022

The early 2010's was a magical period for me.

It's difficult to comprehend a life where work starts at 9AM and finishes at 3PM, weekends are a thing, and the luxury of having nothing to do is a familiar state.

Imagine having 13 weeks annual leave, plus public holidays, unlimited sick days, and the occasional inset day - whatever that is. This was life, not that long ago.

Upgrading from an iPhone 11 to an iPhone 12

August 26th, 2022

The iPhone 12 is a staple in our cabinets these days.

Considering an upgrade? Here's the main differences between the iPhone 11 and iPhone 12...

The iPhone hasn't been around for very long

August 24th, 2022

At just 15 years old, the iPhone was absent for the first 99.992% of mankind, and 99.999999996% of life on earth. Yet here we are.

People experience a gamut of negative emotions that arise from not having the latest iPhone, including jealousy and shame. We think that we need to own an iPhone 13 to be accepted, productive and happy.

Playing games is part of our job

August 22nd, 2022

The most crucial aspect of game console repair? Thorough testing😁

From the creators of the N64, Game Boy, DS, and Wii, comes the Switch - the worlds first hybrid console, which enables the user to connect a handheld console to a TV. Released by Nintendo in 2017, the Switch has sold over 107 million units - meaning it is closing in on the Game Boy, but is still a long way behind the best-selling Nintendo DS.

Can't hear anyone on the phone?

August 19th, 2022

It's hard to take your client or partner seriously on the phone when they sound like a droid in a tornado.

Do you frequently get ear infections? Perhaps blasting heavy metal through headphones 24/7 has given you tinnitus. Or maybe you're just getting old.

If none of these apply, then either your ears need cleaning, or your speakers do. In either case, we can help.

New Galaxy Z Flip, Z Fold and Watch

August 17th, 2022

The first mobile phones were bricks.

Immense innovation, investment, research and development resulted in smaller devices year-on-year, until eventually our mobile phones were small and foldable. 

Further innovation increased the utility of phones, giving us increasingly more capable devices year-on-year, with bigger screens for better usability. Consequently, phones were once again too big to fit into one's pocket.

Now, with even further innovation, phones are becoming small and foldable again.

A milestone week at Talkback

August 12th, 2022

On the week that the mercury dips into the mid 30's (that's 93°F for the boomers out there), we reflect on our past 7 days in numbers...

Our 100th Google review (pictured) solidifies us as the 5-star phone shop.

We help 2 apprehensive elderly customers get to grips with their first smartphones. 

Nothing to be seen here

August 10th, 2022

From British tech start-up "Nothing" comes the "Nothing Phone (1)". At a glance, it has a similar look and shape to an iPhone. However, a series of LED strips scattered beneath a transparent glass back make this a rather unique and eye-catching piece of kit.

The light bars flash in sequence with various tones and vibrations to create customisable patterns for calls, notifications, and charging status.

What is this "Thunderbolt" thing that I keep encountering when browsing for new gadgets?

August 8th, 2022

Developed by Intel in partnership with Apple, Thunderbolt is a brand name given to a type of hardware interface technology that is used to connect a device to a PC. Thunderbolt has been around since 2011, and we are currently on our 4th iteration of the connectivity technology.

Restoring people's sanity with TechWrap

August 3rd, 2022

We live in difficult and unsettling times.

We are still recovering from a pandemic. War is tearing us apart. Our climate is spiraling out of control. There's a huge strain on resources, which is driving up cost of living. Confidence in our political leaders is at an all time low. Our screen protectors become chipped and tatty within just a few days...

And perhaps this is what pushes us over the edge, thrusting us into a mental breakdown that ultimately leads to a complete inability to function as a civilized human in society.

This is where we draw the line, and where we offer you a solution to your suffering.

Check out Apples latest version of CarPlay

July 25th, 2022

The new CarPlay system is expected to go live in 2024. Rather than just occupying the centre console, CarPlay will be able to utilize all built-in screens - essentially turning your car into an Apple car! This concept image gives you an idea of what this will look like - see how you have customisable displays for all your instruments and controls, including the speedometer, RPM, fuel gauge, navigation, media playback and more. Just as you do with your iPhone, CarPlay will enable the user to add widgets to their car, such as calendar, weather and clocks.

The art of design: Apple

July 22nd, 2022

We love the photos in this article, which is inside Apple Park in Cupertino, California.

Everything from watch straps to typography: Read the article

The power of design: What sets apart one amongst thousands of tech companies?

In their words: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

Why do we still use SIM cards?

July 20th, 2022

Dual SIM mobile phones are nothing new. We've had them in some form since 2000. Everything from a basic Nokia or Doro, to top-end Android smartphones have been available in Single SIM or Dual SIM versions.

In 2017, Google released the Pixel 2, which was the first phone with eSIM technology. The Motorola Razr (2019 edition) was the first and so far the only phone to support eSIM only. It does not have a physical SIM slot.

In the digital age, it begs the question - why have a physical SIM card at all? Digital products and simply more flexible, convenient, reliable and efficient than physical products in most cases.

How the heatwave will affect your smartphone

July 18th, 2022

Just as we get flooded by the rain, blown away in the wind, ground to a halt by some snow - today, we shall burn to a crisp inside of our insulated, carpeted, unventilated, double-glazed, non-air-conditioned buildings.

The government has issued the first of what is likely to be many red weather warnings for heat, with no sign or intention of doing anything about it.

In keeping with that theme, lets address how our smartphones feel about this weather.

Beware of visual hackers

July 8th, 2022

Now available: Privacy Tempered Glass Screen Protector for iPhone.

This premium quality screen cover offers edge-to-edge protection against scratches and damage.

The privacy version of our screen guard range offers anti-spy protection - the phone's display is only visible to the user, and cannot be seen by anyone peaking from either side.

More than just aesthetics. What's with the red iPhones?

July 6th, 2022

This is an iPhone SE in Red, or as it says on the back "PRODUCT (RED)".

Founded in 2006 by Bobby Shriver and Bono (U2 lead singer), (RED) is a charity organisation with a mission to bring justice to the AIDS fight by delivering life-saving medicine in the poorest parts of the world.  

The global fund has raised over $700 million dollars, and has impacted more than 245 million lives.

Happy Independence Day!

July 4th, 2022

It's July 4th, AKA independence day by our American comrades.

225 years ago, the US signed the declaration of independence, meaning that they were no longer subject to British rule, and were instead free to operate as 13 independent sovereign states.

One charger to rule them all

June 30, 2022

You may have seen our recent blog post on the switch to a universal charging solution, i.e. USB-C. If not, you can check it out here.

As we expected, European lawmakers have announced a provisional agreement which requires electronic devices to be equipped with a USB-C charging port. This will include smartphones, tablets, headphones, consoles and speakers.

This legislation will come in to effect by Autumn 2024.

From hand-writing, to printing, to downloading books

June 20, 2022

Before Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1440, books were reserved for the rich. A book in those times cost as much as a small house, and have been estimated to cost anywhere from 1-10 years wages for the average worker.

All books were made to order, individually hand-written by literate scribes. Materials such as parchment and sheep-skin vellum were extremely expensive.

Imagine one person standing at the front of a room reading an original text out loud, whilst a team of workers furiously and painstakingly jot it down with a goose feather onto dried animal skin. This would explain the amount of errors and variation that crept into ancient literature.

Battery replacements are quick and painless

June 15, 2022

Phone batteries degrade over time - even if you don't use them. To extend the life of any smart device, the battery will need to be replaced at some point.

When should you get your battery replaced?

On iPhone's, you can view your battery health in Settings. The percentage given is a measurement of the batteries actual capacity versus it's design capacity.

Apple unveils iOS 16

June 8, 2022

The headline feature is the customisable lock screen, which will allow users to pick from a selection of fonts and colours, and add widgets to their lock screen. Notifications now roll up from the bottom, and you can link different focus modes with different lock screens.

Other changes and upgrades include:

> Some much-needed and long overdue improvements to the Mail App.
> Improvements to iMessage - you'll be glad to know that you can now undo and edit sent messages.
> Lots of functional and aesthetic improvements to the Home app.
> Apple Maps now allows you to add stops to your journey. Google Maps still king though.

Your devices are ruining your sleep quality

June 6, 2022

Feeling tired or groggy this morning? Your phone may be partly to blame. As always, we are here to provide you with the information and tools that you need to manage your technology.

We are designed, or have evolved, to get a lot of ultraviolet light during the day, and very little at night. The more that we can sync with our body's natural biorhythms, the more healthy and energetic we will be. Unfortunately, modern life and technology has made this difficult, especially when it comes to sleep.

Italian Anyone?

June 4, 2022

Congratulations to our good customer Kathryn Harper for entering our competition and winning a £50.00 voucher to spend at La Marina

Perhaps our favourite restaurant in Portishead, La Marina serves delicious and authentic Italian cuisine. They also have a steak night, a fish night, and do Sunday roasts - eat-in or take-away. 

Platinum Jubilee

May 31, 2022

All businesses have been ordered to close so as to honour our queen and celebrate 70 years of faith and service.

Fortunately, we have been given a royal pardon to open for a half-day for essential repairs and services. Open Saturday as usual.

Mad zoom capabilities with the periscope camera on a smartphone

May 30, 2022

Taken on a mobile phone. Tell me this isn't absolutely wild.

What is a periscope camera?

It's a technology that will aid in unleashing your inner spy, reading signs from a mile away, inspecting craters on the moon, or just being a bit of a nosey neighbour.

Replacing the hard drive on an Xbox One

May 26, 2022
If your console is on, but just displays a black screen, or if it's freezing on the home screen, then you could have a faulty drive.

Note: If you are experiencing issues with your console, It's worth trying a factory reset before sending it in for repair.

Smartphone Depreciation

May 24, 2022

Just as a car begins to depreciate the moment you drive it off the lot, your phone depreciates as you take it out the box. And there's no exceptions. There's no Aston Martin DB5 or other classic-equivalent smartphone.

A phone is not a financial investment. No matter what you buy, its value will steadily decline. In fact, most technology becomes less useful and less desirable over time; eventually becoming obsolete. You know this, because you have an old iPhone or flagship Android phone that you literally cannot give away.

Comparing the Galaxy S with the Galaxy A

May 20, 2022

The Galaxy S Series is Samsung's flagship smartphone range. The latest and greatest tech is reserved for these devices, but at a premium price. Fortunately, you can pick up a refurbished model like these, at a fraction of the cost.

What do you get with a Galaxy S that you don't get with a Galaxy A?

Introducing Student Discount

May 18, 2022

Sixth Form Students and University Students can redeem £5.00 off any iPhone, iPad or Samsung repair. 

We understand that being a young student can be financially challenging. If you are not yet working full-time but are paying for your own repair, we will help you out.

Your next iPhone might have a USB-C port

May 16, 2022

Released in 2012, the iPhone 5 and iPad 4 were the first devices with the "Lightning" port and cable. It was 80% smaller than its predecessor, and reversible, i.e. you can plug it in either way.

10 years on, and all iPhone models still have the lightning port. New and more powerful iPad models however, have made the switch to the USB-C port. The iPad Pro series 2018-present, iPad Air 4 & 5, and iPad Mini 6 use USB-C charging instead of Lightning.

RIP iPod

May 13, 2022


Why did the classic EarPods look so much cooler than AirPods? Or are we just getting old?🕺

Apple have officially discontinued the iPod. We lived through several generations of the Classic, Touch, Shuffle, Mini and Nano.

The Desk

May 11, 2022

Those midweek feels of introspection - when it's either too damn quiet or too damn busy. Shop owners know how a faulty part or late delivery can leave you contemplating your mere existence.

Protect your health when shopping

May 9, 2022

We provide card receipts. We also provide hand sanitiser. We encourage people to take both. But not at the same time.

Receipts use thermal paper, which is coated with BPA or BPS, which enables heat-activated printing. These are industrial chemical compounds, often used in plastics manufacturing.

It's time to repair your own iPhone

May 5, 2022

Apple have released their Self Service Repair program in the US, starting with the iPhone 12 & 13 (because it's the new models that really need repairs right). We've found the repair manuals.

Here's some of our highlights. 

The world's most ethical smartphone

May 3, 2022

Setting up a Fairphone 4 for one of our customers.

Fairphone use a combination of recycled and sustainably sourced materials. Like other tech companies, they manufacture in China, but they pay their workers a fair wage and provide good working conditions. They also design their devices to be easily repairable.

Making an Apple Sandwich

April 29, 2022

This is an iPhone 11 pro logic board.

Lots of modern smartphones use a dual layer printed circuit board (PCB) like this. In the industry, we call it a sandwich board. The board has essentially been cut in half and stacked. This saves on space, so manufacturers can fit a larger battery into a more compact device. Typically, you get around 30% greater total surface area with the two layers combined, compacted into a 30% smaller footprint.

Keepin' it cool

April 25, 2022

This is a "heat sink" on a Microsoft Surface Pro. Laptops, games consoles, and high-spec tablets all have one of these.

A heat sink is an object that disperses heat from another object. The goal here is to transfer thermal energy from a processor (CPU and/or GPU), to a lower temperature medium - usually air, but you could use water.

Price vs Value: The best place to get your device repaired

April 22, 2022

"Nah mate, I can get it done cheaper in town" 
Alright mate, you carry on 🤷‍♂️ (RIP)

It's an oversimplified cliché, but sometimes, you really do get what you pay for.
Expensive does not necessarily equate to higher quality, just as cheap does not indicate low quality. There's more going on behind the scenes than could be summarised on a price tag.

Phone Storage vs Human Memory

April 20, 2022

You might have a 256GB phone... But how much can you store in that big head of yours?

Firstly, a bit of neuroscience. The brain doesn't actually store memories like a computer stores files. It reconstructs memories on demand with electricity and chemicals. We call this "remembering", but "assembling" would be a better term. Every time we assemble a memory, it is built with different neurons, which can be influenced by your current situation. Hence, our memories often change, and are unreliable forms of evidence.

Happy Easter!

April 16, 2022

Nothing honours the resurrection of our lord and saviour quite like indulging in chocolate eggs and hot cross buns, having a drunken BBQ with the fam, and doing odd bits of DIY and gardening.

Tracking step count over Easter weekend

April 14, 2022

We had an unfortunate accident, but we still working!

Sadly, we will not be able to open on Good Friday, but will be open on Saturday as usual. Not sure about Monday yet.

The daily step count is down, but still, 1700 on one foot isn't too bad.

Using your phone to track steps can be a really useful tool. It's unlikely that you will the exact same number of steps every day, so tracking will help you stay consistent, or progress as needed.

Phantom Vibrations

April 12, 2022

Our brains are predicting machines. Constantly deciphering sensory data to figure out what we should do next.

Vision starts with an expectation of what is around the corner. The more ambiguous the input, the greater the reliance on prior knowledge.

Don't look back in anger

April 8, 2022

Ever read that one text or post that really rubs you up the wrong way? Yeah, so you may or may not be surprised at how often people throw their phones in anger.

Really often. Like, 3 or 4 per week they come through our shop.

How we can protect both sides of your phone

April 6, 2022

Slicing up some fresh TechWraps this week. This "Cloud Pink" Samsung S20 already looked really pretty, and the customer didn't want to put it in a case, so it was just a matter of fitting a clear wrap from edge to edge. This keeps the back of the phone in pristine condition, where it would otherwise get scratched over time. Even if it was in a case, bits of dust and grit would get in and scratch the glass. If and when the customer sells the phone or removes the wrap, it will look good as new! It also makes the phone more grippy, so they will be less likely to drop it!

Do mobile phone masts cause disease?

April 4, 2022

You may remember this story from exactly two years ago. Mobile phone masts set on fire by conspiracists, claiming a link between the mobile technology and Covid-19. Never did you expect to see the government having to assure the public that 5G is not increasing the spread of a virus. Whilst the whole debacle was both stupid and dangerous, it was also rather hilarious to watch, in what was an otherwise harrowing time period.

Sony Walkman's & Brain Chips

April 1, 2022

Can you believe that people used to go jogging with these?

It's interesting to think about how various industries and activities have changed in our lifetimes - mostly for the better.

Pay Attention

March 28, 2022

Attention is a resource - a person has only so much of it. Attention is becoming increasingly scarce. In economic theory, the more scarce a resource becomes, the more valuable it becomes. Completing deep, focused work whilst free of distractions is extremely rare and surprisingly difficult, yet so valuable. This is perhaps in-part due to our smartphones and other devices.

Continue Reading >

March 25, 2022

Have you ever seen a movie villain using an iPhone? The bad guys are prohibited from using any Apple product on camera.

Rising cost of living

March 23, 2022

Pay day is at the end of the month. Fuel is £1.80 per litre. Food prices could skyrocket. Gas and electric bills will increase by up to £300 next month. National insurance is going up too. 

Money is really tight right now. We could all do with a winning scratch card.

3 apps that you will love

March 21, 2022

The average smartphone user has 40 apps on their phone. Younger users are at the top of the curve, with an average of 67 apps. It's estimated that there is more that 3 million apps available, on either the App Store or the Google Play Store.

You don't have time to go through them all, so you don't know what you could be missing.

Today, we present you with three underrated software nuggets that you absolutely should download.

So good news... iPhone 13 screens are now available, but... 😬

March 18, 2022

Just to give you guys an idea of how much iPhone screens cost before the Chinese manufacturers develop an aftermarket screen.

New Samsung

March 16, 2022

The eagerly awaited Galaxy S22 series is now available (at Samsung, not Talkback Comms, sorry). We here to review it though.

The S22 Ultra offers somewhat of a revival to the discontinued Galaxy Note line. This 6.8 inch powerhouse of a device builds off of the Note 20 Ultra from 2020, with it's built-in stylus, and flattened aluminium top and bottom.

Monday Morning Tech Tip: Adaptive Charging

March 14, 2022

Preserve your phones long-term battery health by enabling this feature.

With Adaptive Charging enabled, your phone will charge rapidly until it reaches 80%. It will then slow down - charging at a rate of 0.5-1W, or even pause charging temporarily. The phone will time it so that the battery reaches 100% charge just before you wake up.

Here's what Apple announced at their March event this year

March 11, 2022

- Green iPhone 13's (pictured)
- iPhone SE 5G
- iPad Air 5
- M1 Ultra Chip
- Mac Studio
- Mac Display

A Tragic Tale

March 9, 2022

Take a look at this awfully sad phone. Once a king, now a mere peasant. Fallen from grace, never again will it rise to such prestige, or be held with any admiration.

This is what happens when you insert a SIM card without the SIM tray.

What is a GPU?

March 7, 2022

It's a graphics processing unit. It's responsible for the image on your computer.

If you require assistance with your PC or laptop, then check out our computer services.

If you want to learn something, keep reading...

The GPU is a specialised processor that renders graphical data. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) works in conjunction with software, and sends graphics information to the GPU. The GPU takes this data, and decides how to utilise the pixels on the display to create an image. It does this by performing billions or even trillions of complex mathematical and geometric calculations per second.

What does it take?

March 3, 2022

> Precision. We are using specific temperatures and miniscule tools, in tight, highly concentrated areas.

How the apps on your smartphone affect your dopamine levels

March 1, 2022

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which is released in the brain when we experience pleasure - from food, exercise, social interactions etc. In an evolutionary context, it rewards us for behaviours that support our survival and reproduction. It's also associated with motivation to seek out and repeat these actions - in one study, mice that have had their dopamine production blocked will sooner starve to death then walk across the room to get food. Powerful.

Custom wraps and talking AI

February 25, 2022

Our signature carbon fibre wrap on a Google Pixel 6; with some extra cuts on the sides to make the phone more grippy.

Jamie back at it again

February 23, 2022

Raising money for Teddy Bear Children Support Ltd with his brutal expeditions.

More pre-owned smartphones

February 21, 2022

A recent report predicts that the used mobile phone market will increase at a compounding annual growth rate of 10.2%, and be valued at $143.8 billion by 2031.

Surprised by the amount of people calling to check if we are open today

February 18, 2022

Yes, we are open in spite of Eunice; perhaps the least sinister of names for a storm. It's just some wind guys😏

A card machine in your pocket at all times?

February 18, 2022

Apple recently announced "Tap to Pay" - a feature that enables iPhone users to exchange money by tapping their phones together. This function works via the NFC (near field communication) chip, which enables short-range, wireless communication between two devices.

Every day...

February 16, 2022

Yes, it matters what model it is!🤦‍♂️

Love is in the cloud

February 14, 2022

Ah Valentines Day... A 1700 year old pagan tradition that commemorates the death of a Christian Saint. The one day out the year that you can unashamedly uncover your inner romantic by allocating time and money to prove your appreciation for someone.

Thank you

February 11, 2022

Very blessed to be able to make a living doing something that we enjoy, whilst providing value to others.

Running a phone shop in 2022

February 9, 2022

The UK is ramping up the cost of living, ruthlessly. Inflation is soaring across the world, but it seems like we are being hit from all angles. The cap on energy costs is about to be increased. The government are increasing taxes, and interest rates could follow. And food and fuel prices - well...

The CPU is the Managing Director of your computer

February 7, 2022

It processes information from programs, applications and internal components.

You could also say its like an orchestra conductor, because it does not execute instructions from the operating system, but it directs other parts of the system to do so.

Set up emergency info on your smartphone

February 5, 2022

We are back at it again, saving the world one post at a time - today, with essential information on emergency contacts - also known as ICE (In Case Of Emergency), and Medical ID.

If admitted to hospital with serious injuries, a nurse or doctor could use your phone to identify a contact, what you're allergic to and your blood type.

All about charging cables

February 2, 2022

Like most gadgets and consumer electronics, charging cables are available in a variety of lengths, widths, styles, materials, qualities, colours, speeds, genders, energy efficiencies, molecular densities and midi-chlorian concentrations.

But really, a cable's just a cable... Right?

Oh-no, young Padawan.

You may have heard about Apple's new "M1 Chip"

January 31, 2022

If you're fortunate enough to own a 2021 MacBook, iMac or iPad Pro, you have your very own M1 Chip at your disposal.

The M1 Chip is a "system on a chip" - an integrated circuit that contains all of a devices electronic systems. The CPU, GPU, RAM, USB Controller and many other functions, are all contained in this one little chip. The M1 is an alternative to multi-core CPUs. Instead of having a few general-purpose cores and memory, the M1 utilises a variety of specialised chips.

It's getting to that time of year again

January 28, 2022

Just a few weeks ago, at Christmas time, phones and tablets were beloved companions, treated with the utmost care and respect. But tragically, many of these same devices become insignificant objects, subjected to the cruelty and neglect that manifest from the darkest depths of human nature.


January 26, 2022

See this table, with 11 cutting-edge and expensive devices from 1969 to 1989. By 2011, you could pick up all of these devices for free. That's over $900,000 worth of tech entirely "demonetized" and valueless, in about 30 years.

You would be amazed at just how many gamers break their HDMI ports

January 24, 2022

Seems that they're not as resilient as controllers - which you can hear being launched at the wall on a daily basis but rarely seem to actually break.

New iPhone Cases

January 21, 2022

Look what we got...


January 19, 2022

Dark, visceral and sincere interpretations of issues in modern society - some of which tech-related - all of which thought provoking.

Speaker quality on the iPad Pro

January 17, 2022

We've had our fair share of big boy iPads through the door recently - three iPad Pro 12.9's in for repair here.

You will notice, in the top left of this iPad, what looks like a fan, but is actually one of four woofers; located in each corner of the Pro 11" and Pro 12.9" models. In front of each of them; a tweeter; meaning eight speakers in total.

Mad Deals

January 14, 2022

January sucks. It's cold, foggy and dark. The Christmas lights are gone. No one has any money. No one wants to do anything. The gyms are packed and the roads are busy. And if you don't have Covid it's because you have a cold instead.

See the four major UK networks; in size-order; EE, O2, Vodafone and 3

January 12, 2022

Beneath them, many popular networks such as Tesco Mobile. These are mobile virtual network operators. These companies do not own or operate their own network infrastructure, so they use the infrastructure from one of these four companies. This is often referred to as "piggybacking". If you use Tesco Mobile, your cellular signal and mobile data is transmitted by O2's masts.

It's the end of an era

January 10, 2022

Canadian tech company BlackBerry have now ceased supporting all of their old devices. Everything, from calls and messaging to internet and apps will no longer function on legacy devices running BlackBerry OS. Newer BlackBerry devices run on Android, and will continue to be supported.

Wow... Apple hit a market capitalisation of $3 trillion this week

January 7, 2022

That's more than the entire UK or India economy.

Do people lie more due to technology - smart phones and social media?

January 5, 2022

 Perhaps not. Let's break down this new study.

2021 Repair Stats

January 3, 2022

Shout out to our customer of the year - a father of two; who had 29 repairs done, including 20 screen replacements, and who also bought 4 iPhones for good measure!😅

Testing 3 types of replacement screen for iPhone

December 29, 2021

 We check touch calibration, multi-touch, brightness and display.

We offer 3 screen options on the following iPhone models: X, XS, XS Max, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max.

Here's to the full-timers 🍻

December 27, 2021

2021 has been and gone. January was four months ago, and we skipped Autumn all together. It's difficult to contemplate the speed at which time is passing by.

It's been over a year since the UK vaccine rollout, 14 months since the presidential election, 28 weeks since the start of the Euros...

It's so quiet and peaceful in the mornings around Christmas

December 24, 2021

Special shout out to the massive queue of people outside the Butchers Block every morning this week.

Expecting a quiet day at Talkback today. Phones are a pretty significant/main gift - rarely a last-minute purchase. A lot of people getting their children's phones and iPads repaired for Christmas this year. Don't know if this is something that gets wrapped and put under the tree..?

Beautiful red sky this morning

December 22, 2021

Supply chains permitting, Santa is making his final preparations for his journey around the world delivering presents. He's got his vaccine passport, a vast range of boosters, and no level of government restrictions are going to stop him from dropping quality, refurbished SIM-free iPhones down the soot-filled, (hopefully not lit), chimneys of Portishead residents.

The growth of microprocessors is exponential, as demonstrated by Moore's Law

December 20, 2021

This is a prediction made by American engineer Gordon Moore in 1965 that the number of transistors per silicon chip will double every year.

Buy a refurbished iPhone for Christmas

December 15, 2021

It's that time of year where every one is scurrying around the shops amongst polite and orderly chaos; fighting over Turkeys, buying last minute gifts for their extended family, and spending liberally (or excessively) on things they don't need or want any other time of year; because it's Christmas.

"How long will you need my phone for?"

December 15, 2021

By far, the most common question asked by our customers. Way more so that "How much will it cost?". Whilst some people seem happy to leave their phones with us indefinitely, many of our customers seem to develop intense feelings of anxiety and hopelessness at the thought of being without their phone for 45 minutes.

Apple's Best Sellers

December 13, 2021

Data transfer and setup on an iPhone 11 for a customer trading in his trusty iPhone 6.

Flood Illuminator; Face ID Repair

December 8, 2021

In the morning, you may go around your house, switching everything on in order. Your phone does this when it is trying to boot. If there's an issue, it will keep looping and restarting, because it cannot identify or switch on a component, gets confused, and starts over.

How about this for a Monday morning time-suck

December 6, 2021

The Mobile Phone Museum collection features over 2100 individual models from more than 200 different brands. All devices on show have been donated, catalogued, labelled and photographed.

Ducking Autocorrect

November 29, 2021

Your mum is repaired and ready to collect 👍

You know what would be a great super power? To be indistractable.

November 26, 2021

Time and attention are our most valuable resources. In a world where technology seeks relentlessly to consumes our time and attention, we can be left feeling overstimulated, unproductive and anxious.

A bit of nostalgia for you

November 24, 2021

This was the moment, 24 years ago, that mobile phones became multi-use tools, with the addition of a calculator, calendar and games, i.e. Snake.

If you have an iPhone 12, please don't break the back glass

November 22, 2021

These magnets are a right pain 🙄
MagSafe wireless charging is good because you don't have to worry about your phone not charging because it wasn't quite lined up with the charging pad, which often happens with regular wireless charging. When it's on, it's secure.

Apple to start selling parts to the public?!

November 19, 2021

This is perhaps the most significant and shocking piece of news or headline as it relates to the mobile repair industry that we've come across since starting.
To summarise, Apple have announced a new program that will enable end users to purchase replacement parts, tools and manuals, so that they can repair their own devices. The program will be limited to iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 series' initially, with plans to introduce support for other models and MacBooks at a later date. There will be a limited range of replacement parts available - just screens, batteries and cameras to begin with. It looks like this will be rolled out in 2022 in the US initially, and in Europe shortly after.

Congratulations to Talkback Star, Paco, on a great 2021 season 👏🍾

November 17, 2021

"A great year overall, with great results in the leagues in Europe such as the UK with the Birmingham Brummies, Denmark for Brovst and in France for two different teams. A silver medal in the Italian Championship which doesn't taste so great, but looking back at the racing I've produced this year, there's plenty of positives to take and be happy about. I took part in some very famous International meetings over Europe with great results that opened places in the shop window for 2022. I feel this has been the best year so far in my career and that there is plenty more to come yet.

The design and engineering of modern smartphones is something else😍

November 15, 2021

Oppo here proving that they're the next dominant brand to come out of China and push the industry forward with Oppo X.

Upgrading to the latest smartphone is expensive

November 12, 2021

You have the choice of dropping £1000 on a device, or being locked in to a two year contract with your provider.

iPhone touch IC transfer

November 10, 2021

Here we are transferring a chip between iPhone screens. A fairly simple, but unnecessary and time consuming job.

iPod Battery Replacement

November 8, 2021

This iPod touch holds a full charge for just a few minutes. Immediately, we notice that something underneath is pushing the screen out of the frame.

Lets talk updates

November 5, 2021

Windows 11 has been available for a few months now. It seems that very few Windows 10 users have upgraded yet. The interface looks nicer overall, but the navigation is clunky. Microsoft will continue to support Windows 10 until 2025.

Utilizing technology and owning a smartphone has never been more important, or less avoidable

November 3, 2021

The government are under increasing pressure to go digital, with apps being the preferred channel for service provision. Makes sense - we spend 4.2 hours per day using apps, on average. It's also more efficient (cheaper) than telephone or face-to-face.

Playing iPad Jenga this morning

October 29, 2021

13 of 'em on the workbench for repair this weekend.

Mostly broken screens; mostly kids. Because tablets are quite heavy compared to a phone, if you drop one on a hard surface, 9 times out of 10 it will break.

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Small components

October 25, 2021

iPhone 8 in for repair - dead after a battery replacement at another shop.

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Samsung Galaxy A Range Repairs

October 22, 2021

Getting the screen replaced on a Samsung with Talkback Comms is officially quicker and less aggravating than getting through Gordano School traffic lights.

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Computer slow after an update?

October 20, 2021

An update requires processing power and storage space, which can put a strain on your computers limited resources. Here's 5 tips to speed it up.

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Automation and artificial intelligence have and will continue to make many jobs redundant...

October 15, 2021

but adoption of technology also creates tons of new roles.

It's cool to see a lot of new and creative job titles emerging in a tech-driven economy.

Some of which that we've seen:
> Decision Scientist
> Cyber Pain Management Adviser
> Lead Code Wizard

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New computer and don't know where to start?

October 11, 2021

We can get it up and running for you.

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Don't you just love posts about phone repair

October 8, 2021

Another OnePlus in for screen replacement.

The design of these devices is quite unique, both hardware and software.

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iPhone SE 2020

October 6, 2021

"SE" stands for special edition. Apple release the SE separately to their main product line (iPhone 11, 12, 13 etc.), as a cheaper alternative; without the usual design features and hardware upgrades seen on their flagship models. The original SE was released in 2016.

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Early teardowns of the iPhone 13 indicate that this is Apples most anti-repair device yet

October 4, 2021

In their bid to destroy third-party repair and maximize revenue, the Company has introduced the following new restrictions...

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Buy Now, Pay Later

October 1, 2021

Great news - We've integrated Klarna payments into our website ✨

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No shortage here 👍

September 29, 2021

Hundreds of Genuine Apple and Samsung accessories topped up and in stock.

Please form an orderly queue.

Sourcing original and high quality accessories is more difficult than you might expect.

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USB-C to become universal

September 27, 2021

A new proposal from the EU states that all smartphones sold in Europe will have to use USB-C charging.

This means that Apple will have to eliminate the lightning cable/port, which is still used on all iPhones and some iPads.

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TomTom repair - let's talk Sat Nav

September 24, 2021

A few Sat Nav's in for repair recently, including this TomTom with a broken charging port.

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A better option for MacBook screen repairs

September 22, 2021

We replaced a cracked screen on this MacBook Pro with a used original display, which had been recycled from a dead MacBook.

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The Talkback Star

September 20, 2021

Really enjoyed watching our man @paco_castagna representing Italy in the Speedway of Nations this weekend!✊

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September 17, 2021

Good news for old iPhone users 💥

All devices that are compatible with iOS 14, will update to iOS 15. This includes the iPhone 6S, iPhone SE (2016), iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 4 and iPad 5.

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Apple have also released 2 new iPads

September 16, 2021

The iPad 9 (pictured) sees the usual small upgrades and improvements across the board, and remains a great value option for 95% of tablet users that don't require the bells and whistles that come with the premium models.

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The iPhone 13 launch was last night

September 15, 2021

Overall, it was a bit underwhelming. Here's our key points.

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How can you make your battery last a little longer?

September 10, 2021

We have a few tips for you.

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You don't need to be a technician to know that this doesn't look right 👀

September 8, 2021

This is corrosion on iPhone 7 VDD main line. Moisture automatically accumulates around a few components on the main power line.

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The death of the traditional landline

August 23, 2021

Why have a landline when you have a mobile? Especially with modern Wi-Fi calling & messaging, which means that having poor signal in a rural area is no longer an issue.

There's a few things to consider...

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Inside the two-layer "sandwich" board on recent iPhone models

August 19, 2021

These are a real pain in the neck.

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Slow laptop? Swap out your hard disk drive (HDD) for a solid state drive (SSD)

August 18, 2021

A laptop with a worn out hard drive will run very slowly. Upgrading to an SSD will drastically increase performance in most cases.

We work on many mid-range laptops that take 5-10 minutes to start up, and 1-2 minutes to open a program. By installing an SSD, we can reduce these times to 20-30 seconds.

We can also install Windows on the new drive, and clone the old drive; thus retaining all files and programs.

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Good luck buying PC parts

August 9, 2021

Recent Chromebook sales have just been announced, and have actually decreased for the first time.

Not surprising, as it's hard to even find one to buy at the moment.

We think this is likely due to the global shortage of computer parts. It makes sense for manufacturers to focus their limited resources on their high-end (Windows) laptops, as they make a higher profit margin on these devices compared to budget (Chromebook) laptops.

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August 6, 2021

Swimming to work on a Monday morning ☔️

Now to crack on with a big batch of iPhones for a corporate customer - a mix of repairs and trade-ins.

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MacBook Liquid Damage Repair

August 2, 2021

Water and electricity in your device is like toothpaste and orange juice for breakfast - a devastating combination🤢

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Using high quality charging equipment will prolong the life of your device

July 30, 2021

Using the correct plug for your phone or tablet will ensure that it receives sufficient flow of electricity (amps); so it will charge more quickly.

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Put your phone down for a second (after reading this article) 👀

July 26, 2021

We've always had an interest in this topic, and stay up to date with news, articles and studies.

This article is a very balanced and refreshing view on healthy and productive social media use.

It's a quick, easy and informative read, so we thought we'd share it:

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iPhone 12 Water Damage Repair

July 23, 2021

Just a friendly reminder that your phone is no longer water resistant once it's been damaged or repaired😅

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iPhone XR For Sale

July 21, 2021

Almost got the full set... Just missing peach 🍑

Did you know... The iPhone XR was the most popular smartphone of 2019, with 46.3 million units being shipped.

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Now in stock: Samsung Galaxy A21s, Unlocked, New in-box

July 17, 2021

We are sweating it out in work today 😅

So... Does leaving your phone out in the sun damage it?

Probably not.

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iPhone 12 Mini Screen Replacement - Our First Screen on a 12!👀

July 16, 2021

Screens are always difficult to source for the latest iPhone model.

Original refurb screens are extremely scarce, because there's so few screens being replaced and recirculated amongst independent repair shops.

Aftermarket screens take a long time to reach the market, and are always poor quality to begin with.

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iPhone Screen Repairs

July 14, 2021

Lots of broken iPhone XR's coming through at the moment 🙄

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What We've Been Up To This Week

July 5, 2021

Watching the Euros and fixing phones, mostly.

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Portishead In Bloom

June 30, 2021

Flowers are looking very healthy and vibrant this morning🌸

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Proper Job Phone Repairs

June 28, 2021

Replacing the battery in this Huawei P20 Lite on this bleak summer morning 🌧

This battery is a "service pack" part, which means it is manufactured by Huawei. We are able to source an increasing number of service pack replacement components for Huawei devices.

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The Notorious Computer Virus

June 25, 2021

Our lives depend on technology. Better said, our lives are inside technology. All of our passwords, finances, communications and files are bouncing from server to server around the world, around the clock. If you're not currently paying attention to the security of your devices, you should be.

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⚽️Football's Coming Home🏆

June 23, 2021

In other news, Android 12 is due to be released alongside the Google Pixel 6 in September, and is currently available in beta for some devices.

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Laptop Repair Isn't Usually A Hazardous Task...

June 21, 2021

But this MacBook battery is mega swollen and heavily glued down 🙄

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A Touch Of Local Sunshine & Character ✨

June 18, 2021

Our @madebymeg_art Portishead Marina print takes pride of place in our shop 🙌

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Just Doing Some Cleaning & Organising & Found These...

June 16, 2021

Our first ever promo cards; next to our newest ones.

Something like a 9 year throwback... We've gone from a few slow and painful iPhone 3GS screen replacements on a kitchen table, to completing large orders for and working with national companies, local schools, the council, the police force, and thousands of customers, from our very own modern repair centre & retail shop!

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HarmonyOS - Huawei's New Operating System

June 11, 2021

This will replace their previous android interface (EMUI) on over 100 of their smartphone, tablet and smartwatch models over the next 12 months.

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New Accessories & iPhone 7's & 8's On Discount

June 7, 2021

Hope you're all well and having a great week!

Available for a limited time in-store and online🕺
> External Hard Drives - 1TB & 2TB
> Laptop Sleeves - 13", 15" & 17"
> Mini USB Cables - Lightning, Micro-USB & USB-C

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Challenge Of The Day

June 5, 2021

Rebuilding this iPad charging connector with 14 jumper wires 🙌

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Computer Running Slow?

June 4, 2021

Increase performance, remove clutter and decrease the likelihood of serious faults occurring with our clean up & health check service.

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Congratulations To Molly Cheek For Winning A £40.00 Voucher To Spend At VENGA

June 2, 2021

Now just for the difficult choice between tapas, paella, afternoon tea or Spanish Sunday roast 🍸🥘

Or all of the above 😋

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iPhone 7 Audio IC Repair

May 31, 2021

Placing 4 jumper wires on this iPhone 7 audio repair👀

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Jamie - Back At It Again!

May 28, 2021

Huge shout out and congratulations to our sponsor Jamie, for completing his expedition across the Black Mountains in the Brecon Beacons👏

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O2 & Virgin Media Complete A £31 Billion Merger👀

May 26, 2021

O2 has around 34 million mobile phone users.

Virgin has about six million broadband and cable TV customers and three million mobile users.

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Good Morning☕️ Let's Make It A Great Week👊

May 24, 2021

We're looking forward to the bank holiday weekend; with sun and 20C forecast☀️

The shops & cafe's in Bristol are packed out at the moment, and national retail sales have increased by around 10% in the past month!🙌

We are busy too, and it's been nice to get back to serving our customers in-store, instead of through the window🙋‍♂️

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Getting The Display Cabinets Topped Up😍

May 19, 2021

Premium & affordable refurbished iPhones, iPads, Samsung's & Huawei's on sale.

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Console Repairs; Broken Ports

May 17, 2021

With 85 million units sold to date, it's no surprise that we see a lot of faulty and damaged charging ports on the Nintendo Switch & Switch Lite.

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Do You Even Own Your Phone?

May 14, 2021

"We deserve the right to repair the things we own, and so does the environment"

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Come On In!

May 10, 2021

Delighted and excited to welcome our customers through the door, instead of the window 🙋‍♂️

For the past 13.5 months, we've been serving customers through our window. This kept everyone safe, and enabled us to continue operating as we bounced between lockdowns.

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All About Wireless Charging

May 5, 2021

Most modern smartphones and devices support wireless charging ⚡️

It's nothing new - the first smartphone to support wireless charging was the Nokia Lumia 920; released in 2012. Samsung added wireless charging to their phones with the S6 in 2015, and Apple got involved in 2017 when they released the iPhone 8.

This is why smartphone manufacturers switched from aluminium to glass backs, as the charging signal cannot transmit through metal.

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Get Yourself One Of Them Huawei Phones

April 30, 2021

We have expanded our online range of refurbished devices to include Huawei smartphones 👀

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Local Collection & Return Service

April 12, 2021

For mobile phone, tablet and laptop repairs.

Restrictions continue to be lifted, and people are clearly eager to get out and see people - even if it's just running errands.

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Introducing: Computer Services💻

April 6, 2021

Get More Out Of Your Computer 💪

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A Very Bloated Battery In A Very Dusty iPad

March 29, 2021

With a damaged or defective battery, excess chemicals build up inside the cell in the form of gas.

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Big Throwback

March 25, 2021

Brushing up on the fundamentals with our Windows XP guide 📖

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Light At The End Of The Tunnel

March 23, 2021

Throwback post - Zero-contact collection and return service on empty roads across North Somerset.

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Apple Take The Lead

March 15, 2021

Apple surpass Samsung to become #1 smartphone vendor for the first time in 4 years.

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Victory For Right To Repair 💪

March 11, 2021

Manufacturers of appliances such as fridges, washing machines and TV's will be legally obligated to make spare parts available for consumers in the EU.

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The Original Macintosh Computer Was Released 37 Years Ago

March 5, 2021

16.5lbs of pure computing magic; with a staggering 400kb of storage, 128kb RAM, and 72 PPI monochrome display.

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Introducing TechWrap By Talkback Comms ✨

March 3, 2021

Can't find a good screen protector for your device? Does your phone looks like every one else's?

First world problems be gone 💥

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Thanks Paco For The Shout Out!

March 1, 2021

Can't wait to meet up for some pasta and wine!😋

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Our Corporate Customers Keep Us Busy!😅

February 25, 2021

The Samsung Xcover 4s falls into the "outdoor smartphone" category, and is a popular choice among some of our corporate customers due to their rugged design and water resistance.

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Automation Is The Future

February 22, 2021

AI and are robots replacing labour jobs at an exponential rate across the world.

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How Smartphones Have Change Our Lives

February 18, 2021

On average, we use/check our phones 58 times, for a total of 3.5 hours.

We've cast our minds back a few years to come up with a few things that were much harder before smartphones.

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Used Original MacBook Chargers

February 16, 2021

We are now sourcing and selling reclaimed MacBook chargers for select models.

Apple don't wholesale their products, so it's near impossible to source these products new... But using quality charging equipment is extremely important.

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Electronics Repair Specialists

February 12, 2021

DSLR cameras, headphone jacks, and an old iPhone 3G 👀

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A Phone Fit For James Bond

February 9, 2021

Do you see it? No? Mission accomplished 👍

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We See A Lot Of The Samsung Galaxy A Series These Days

January 29, 2021

Including this A21s. 

Five Samsung devices were in the global top 10 smartphones based on sales volume for late 2020 - Galaxy A21s, Galaxy A11, Galaxy A51, Galaxy A31 and Galaxy A01 Core.

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Working On A Samsung Z Flip 5G...

January 22, 2021

Very fresh design. We like to see something unique that stands out. No doubt we'll start seeing more folding phones in 2021 ✨

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Is The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G A Good Phone?

January 20, 2021

Impressive specs on the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G - 16GB RAM, 5000mAh battery, and 108MP/40MP rear front cameras 😳

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Backup, Backup 🕺

January 18, 2021

Breaking the bad news to our customers, when their device is:

> Liquid damaged beyond repair
> Lost or stolen
> Pass code forgotten

... And their data isn't retrievable 😭

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What Is Right To Repair?

January 11, 2021

The right to repair is a critical movement for our industry.

If you've ever had your phone, tablet or computer repaired, this affects you.

Electronics manufacturers are making it increasingly difficult for their products to be repaired by serializing parts to make components irreplaceable.

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Smartphone Of The Year 2020

December 30, 2020

Our favourite tech YouTuber, Marques Brownlee, has just released his smartphone awards 2020 video - and it's excellent 👏

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Couple Of Dodgy Repair Jobs

November 28, 2020

Had this iPad in dead after screen replacement from another shop...

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More Damn iPad Repairs

November 25, 2020

It's iPad battery replacements and charging port repairs all day every day at the moment 😇

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New MacOS Causes Outrage Over Privacy Concerns

November 23, 2020

MacOS 11 Big Sur offers increased performance, improved energy efficiency and a sleek, refreshed design.

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Another Nail In The Coffin For Right To Repair...

October 30, 2020

Apple have really upped their money-grabbing business malpractice this year, and they're back at it again 😡

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Paco Castagna Reflects On 2020 Season

October 23, 2020

Talkback Comms rider Paco Castagna gives his final press release for the short 2020 Season which came to an end last weekend.

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iPad Air 2 👉 Won't boot 😕

October 18, 2020

Customer took to Apple, who said that it cannot be repaired and that they'll have to buy a new one...

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Always Something To Learn In The Phone Repair Game

October 7, 2020

A unique feature on the Huawei P30 Pro - a vibrating screen that conducts call sound.

Instead of the usual earpiece speaker at the top of the phone, the P30 uses magnetism to transmit sound through the screen.

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NHS COVID-19 App - What You Need To Know

September 28, 2020

What is it for?
> The app is used for contact tracing, to inform users when they may have been exposed to COVID-19 so that they can self-isolate.

How does it work?
> Hospitality services; including pubs and restaurants,
tourism and leisure services; including gyms and hotels, and
close contact services; including hairdressers and barbers are required to display a QR code, which you can scan using the app.

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Raising Money For Teddy Bear Children Support

August 24, 2020 

Huge shout out to our sponsor Jamie for completing his climb up to the summit of Pillar Mountain in the Lake District.

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Customers Coming From Gloucester, Newport & The Cotswolds For Repairs

August 24, 2020 

We have removed our dedicated COVID-19 bookings form for repairs, services, deliveries and appointments, as we have decided that it is no longer required.

We had over 100 form submissions for collection & return and mail-in repairs during the initial full-scale 10 week lockdown.

We had customers from as far as Gloucester, Newport and the Cotswolds book an appointment to get their devices repaired.

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A Lot Of Battery Replacements Recently...

August 5, 2020 

Tons of lithium batteries still end up in landfill, which results in
soil contamination and significant air and water pollution.

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Fake Amazon Call Scam

July 31, 2020 

You've probably received a few of these calls this year...

An automated voice call prompting you to renew your Amazon Prime account by pressing 1 to speak to an account manager.

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Available Now: Cherry Wood Cases For iPhone🌲

July 28, 2020 

Original & aesthetic designs from local artists, laser etched onto natural, sustainably sourced cherry wood and fitted into a protective rubberised-plastic chassis🔥

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UK Slams The Brakes On 5G

July 20, 2020 

One of the big headline stories from last week was the UK's decision to ban Huawei as a 5G provider.

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Battery Or Grenade?

July 16, 2020 

Following on from our previous post about bloated lithium batteries - here's what happens when they're punctured 👀

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👀 Working On A Microsoft Surface Pro With A Very Bloated Battery...

July 13, 2020 

Lithium-ion batteries generate power through a chemical reaction. As the chemicals degrade, gas builds up, which punctures the internal membrane.

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Could Be Worse

June 24, 2020 

It's a beautiful day 🌞 

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Coffee vs MacBook

June 4, 2020 

Customers often ask how long it takes after getting their device wet until it stops working. 

This is a MacBook we've had in this morning that had some coffee spilt on it. 

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Easy Bend; Easy Money

June 2, 2020 

Why does my iPhone always start playing up or die just after the manufacturer warranty expires? 

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Using Jumpers To Fix A Home Button

May 25, 2020 

We often see torn cables on components such as iPhone home buttons, especially after DIY repair. 

Time to run some "jumper wires". 

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Verify Your Account - FRP Removal

May 20, 2020 

No password? No problem!
If you factory reset an Android device, and don't have access to or have forgotten your Google account/password, you cannot complete device set up...

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Optimistic & Operating Throughout COVID

May 18, 2020 

With lockdown restrictions being eased, and the growth of COVID cases slowing, we're seeing more customers, more cars in our car park and more people out and about generally. 

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A Very Cool Phone Camera

May 7, 2020 

It's not very often that we get to work on moving parts... 

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Throwback To The Talkback Wasps

April 28, 2020 

Feels good to reflect on the past...

As we dig through our archives of photos and files, we stumble upon the occasional piece of sentimental gold, which brings about deep feelings of nostalgia, and hazy but joyful memories.

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New iPhone SE 2020

April 25, 2020 

Apple have just released their second iPhone SE (Special Edition). This will be available for £419.00-£569.00, so is a cheaper alternative to the 11, XS & XR.

According to it's specs, we'd say it's best described as an iPhone 8 with a better rear camera and faster processor.

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Lazy Repairs

April 18, 2020 

No-one ever got great results from being lazy.

Here's 4 common ways that repair shops cut corners on the basic repairs...

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Fighting The Pandemic With Innovation

April 3, 2020 

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted peoples lives and daily routines across the world. With redundancies, furloughs and forced closures of businesses and schools, many people and Company's are struggling or at the very least are uncertain about where they will stand in a weeks time, let alone in 3 months time! Change is hard, especially when thrust upon us so suddenly at such large-scale.

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Farewell To A National Icon & Valued Customer

April 2, 2020 

Such sad news to hear that our friend and legendary comedian Eddie Large has tragically lost his battle with Coronavirus. Eddie and his family, who live in Portishead, have been good customers of ours for many years.

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Helping People With Technology - Pandemic Or Not

March 27, 2020 

Day 3 of project COVID: The sun is out and we're keeping busy!🌞 Our drop-off and return system is allowing people to get their devices repaired same-day with zero physical contact, including one elderly lady who's phone had died and was left unable to access her community WhatsApp group or speak to family and friends.

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Time To Lockdown

March 24, 2020 

It was announced last night that the UK is in partial-lockdown.
Firstly, we wish you the best and hope you're all safe, well and prepared. We think that the actions being taken are very much needed, and should have been implemented sooner.

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Schools Closed For 8+ weeks... Enter Home-learning.

March 21, 2020 

Schools have online platforms and resources in place for remote teaching and lessons, and many teachers will be relying on students being able to login to their school website/intranet system to communicate and exchange information.

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Helping The Community Amid The Pandemic

March 19, 2020 

With over 70's and the vulnerable being advised to self-isolate over the coming weeks, and a full-scale lockdown an ever-increasing possibility, we are doing what we can to do our bit in the community.

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Apple & Carphone Warehouse Closing Stores

March 16, 2020 

It's the Apple-ocalypse!☢️ Apple have elected to close down all their stores worldwide for a minimum of 2 weeks in order to protect staff, customers and to help slow down the spread of the virus. Apple have 38 stores across the UK.
The only locations that will remain open are the stores in China, which re-opened recently. This is because new cases are now slowing in China, but continue to grow across the rest of the world.

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Phones Are Filthy - Even On The Inside 🤮

March 11, 2020 

Your phone has approximately 25,000 germs per square inch, and 18x more bacteria than a public bathroom. Not surprising considering we hold our phones all day, leave them on desks and floors, and never clean them... Picture every thing you've touched so far today, and imagine your phone as a petri dish containing traces of all those things, mingling and thriving in your pocket ☢️

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All About Smartphone Cameras

March 9, 2020 

Since the release of the first camera phone in 2000, our phone cameras have evolved to the point where you don't need a dedicated digital camera or any photography skills to take fantastic shots. All top-end smartphones on the market have a perfectly capable camera, but understanding what the specs mean can help us understand the differences between devices.

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Samsung Screen Repairs

February 20, 2020 

Replacement screen assemblies for these models are expensive, due to their high quality, curved AMOLED panels that present such a clear, eye-catching image.

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Learning, So That We Can Improve As A Repair Centre

February 2, 2020 

It's been interesting and inspiring to spend some time this week working with some different equipment, learning about some advanced procedures on the newest models and seeing what's going on at the cutting edge of our industry!👀

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5G: The Promised Land

January 28, 2020 

A big step in the journey to 5G... Huawei infrastructure in on its way.

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Another Day; Another Dolla

January 25, 2020 

Today at Talkback... 

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Fingerprint Scanner - Hidden Behind The Screen

January 22, 2020 

More and more mobile phones are being manufactured with in-display fingerprint scanners.

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By The Truckload

January 13, 2020 

Our corporate customers keep us busy!😅

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2019 Sales & Repair Stats

January 3, 2020 

The Samsung S10 topped most tech sites phone of the year, and we have to agree. Samsung also continue to dominate Europe, with 7 devices in the top 10 best-selling models across the Continent! However, this doesn't account for Q4 sales, which haven't been published and verified yet. We expect the iPhone XR to climb the list.

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Closed For Christmas

December 24, 2019 

Just some passing thoughts, as we close up for a couple of days.

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Motorola Release A Foldable Phone

November 25, 2019 

The Moto Razr V3 was an old favourite of ours, and no doubt many of yours. 15 years on, the Razr is making a come back.

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iPhone Screen Repair Stats

November 20, 2019 

Here's an insight into our screen repair data from our recent customers.

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Phone screens - LCD vs LED

November 18, 2019 

Those fortunate enough to own an iPhone X, or a newer model, may have been unfortunate enough to discover the significantly increased cost in getting the screen replaced compared to previous models.

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Remembrance Day + Discounts For Armed Services

November 11, 2019 

11/11/1918❤️ Poppies grew in many of the fields in Flanders, Belgium where battles took place in World War I. The red colour of the poppies symbolises the blood spilled in the war.

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Donating To Charity

November 9, 2019 

One of my favourite things to do ❤️ We collect money for and donate to Great Ormand Street Hospital, an infamous paediatric treatment and research centre in central London. Since its formation in 1852, the hospital has been dedicated to children’s healthcare and to finding new and better ways to treat childhood illnesses. Children that are diagnosed with a serious or terminal illness are often referred to Great Ormand Street Hospital for care.

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Are your devices affecting your sleep quality?

October 7, 2019 

Screens emit blue light. Exposure to this kind of light in the evening decreases melatonin production, which is the hormone responsible for initiating sleep.

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Samsung Fold: The most forward-thinking smartphone of 2019

October 4, 2019 

With a 4.6 inch outer screen that folds out into a 7.3 inch mini-tablet, the Fold is a glimpse into the future of smartphones. Samsung has laid down the marker for portable tech, that will surely revolutionise mobile gaming and productivity.

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Written Off Devices

October 1, 2019 

We've quite the collection of useless iPhones 🙄

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A Quality iPad Repair With Discount

October 1, 2019 

The key to any successful iPad repair is patiently preparing the frame to refit the screen.

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Monitor Your Screen Time

 September 27, 2019 

Adults spend over 11 hours in front of screens on average.
We spend 3-4 hours on our phones alone, and check our phones around 80 times per day - that's once every 12 minutes!

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One Very Bloated Battery

 September 22, 2019 

Removing a bloated battery from an iPad... Sometimes when a battery is damaged or just old, the chemical reaction that usually keeps your battery running breaks down and leaks lithium gas.

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 September 16, 2019 

The UK will leave the EU on October 31st. Brexit was initially due to take place on March 29th, but has been delayed twice so far.

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Customer Reviews

 September 12, 2019 

We believe in providing as much value as possible and work hard to give the best service that we can.

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The not-so-water-proof iPhone X - Liquid Damage repair

 September 11, 2019 

This phone came in with no other damage, and having never been opened or repaired before. The customer said that the device was merely splashed with some water.

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iPhone 11 Launch

 September 11, 2019 

The official launch of the iPhone 11 was yesterday.

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Raising Money For Great Ormand Street

 September 9, 2019 

Just put out some delicious and healthy fruit & nut bars for our customers, to try and raise more money for Great Ormand Street Hospital. 

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What is Error 53?

 February 23, 2016 

Whilst Error 53 has been a persistent issue for Apple users for quite some time, it only really came to light recently when papers such as The Guardian published articles stating that Apple devices could be rendered useless following certain hardware repairs. 

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